District of Columbia Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act

Floor Speech

Date: July 31, 2012
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Abortion


Mrs. ADAMS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in strong support of H.R. 3803, authored by my friend, Representative Trent Franks, which prohibits abortions in the District of Columbia on pain-capable unborn children. Recently, a poll conducted revealed that 63 percent of respondents favored banning abortion after the point where the unborn child can feel pain.

Because abortions may be performed in the Nation's Capital for any reason during all 9 months of pregnancy, the need for this bill is very clear. Mr. Speaker, when we debated this bill in the Judiciary Committee a few weeks ago, I was shocked that some of my colleagues on the other side of the aisle referred to this child as a fetus. I'm sure my female colleagues who have been blessed to experience the joy of motherhood will agree with me when I say during the time I was carrying my daughter, I always thought of her as my baby, never a fetus, and I am very concerned that the discussion is being centered around everything but the most important thing, and that is what the baby feels and is capable of feeling at this time.

We all have the opportunity to do the right thing. So let's stop playing word games and pass this legislation.

